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Spring is a great time to network,
re-discover yourself and learn new skills

I network a lot. When I am out and about, we can always talk about hypnosis. I hope to see you soon.
Networking can also help you reach your goals. I talked with one woman who attended Your Soul's Purpose, a 2-day event in Downtown Cleveland at the end of March. She is ready to start making some changes in her life journey, and the networking helped.
After talking to people in several different modalities, she said, "My mindset changed; my eyes were opened. It was just what I needed. I am taking a different approach to life. My goal is to be a better person each day."
Although holistic events are not called "networking events", you ARE networking, with vendors from across the board. I will see you at the May 6 holistic event, story below.
Here are some easy-to-remember rules for networking events.
Be among the first to arrive and the last to leave. It's easier to meet more people and have a quality conversation when the room is not so packed.
Hold a cold drink in your left hand. That leaves your right hand dry and warm for a nicer handshake.
Be prepared to respond when someone asks "Where do you work?" My reply is simple. "As a certified hypnotist, MY goal is to help you reach YOUR goal." That sentence can prompt questions that lead to a productive conversation.
Be respectful of time. Everyone wants to "work the room" and meet a variety of people. Exchange business cards and contact the person later for a more in-depth conversation. If you do not have a business card, then just collect contact info from others.
Follow-up promptly, Most business people have profiles on LinkedIn

Yes, I make house calls
Last month, I was invited a private home in North Olmsted, to talk with seven women about life issues. They were seeking relief from stress, anxiety, problems at home and issues at work. They sought peace and improved sleep. We talked and tranced for more than an hour. As I left, I realized it was a win-win situation -- a positive exchange of energy. I felt good, and so did they. Based on feedback, they really enjoyed the evening, and said they slept great that night.
Gather some friends, and I'll be happy to visit your smoke-free home, too. Just call me or send e-mail. I greatly enjoy these events.

Catch me if you can
April 11: 5-7:30 pm, Network with 200+ members of The Power of More chambers at GK Polishing, 1215 Lear Industrial Parkway, Avon. No RSVP. no fee. Details.
April 12: 4:30-7 pm, Boomer Bash, $10, LaCentre Conference Center, 25777 Detroit Road, Westlake. Info.
April 11 & 18: 8 pm, Comedy hypnosis by Michael Oddo at The Funny Stop in Cuyahoga Falls. I recommend him.
April 29: 11 am-6 pm, monthly gathering of unique holistic vendors and readers, Light Emporium, Ashtabula Harbor. I may not be able to attend, but this should be a quality event. Have fun.
May 6: Holistic fair, 10 am-5 pm, West Shore Unitarian Church, Rocky River. At 10:30 am, I will guide a group session of hypnosis -- a great way to start the day. I expect about 30 vendors, 10 readers and 6 presentations.
On a personal note, I will celebrate Easter and our 40th wedding anniversary on April 9. My wife, Carol, is CFO of The Jerome Group LLC.
May each of you enjoy the beautiful gift of spring.
Step into my office

In-person sessions are offered near the Westgate Mall in Rocky River, from 10 am-noon and 3:30-5:30 pm, Monday-Wednesday-Friday. I offer Zoom sessions from my Home Office daily, between 10 am-9 pm.
To schedule a session, call 216-210-5504, send a note here or contact me here.
Attention smokers!
How a small, empty jar can save your life

When you are planning your at-home party, there are now 2 more options to offer. If you want more than hypnosis, I have partnered with a local reader, and a woman who offers chair massage. We can discuss that more when you call.
Feel free to explore the rest of this LLC

If you are a smoker and would like to quit, read on.
A small, empty jar could save your life.
Look around your kitchen for a peanut butter jar or a like size. Put about 1/2 inch of water in it, and set it aside.
When you are ready to become smoke-free, collect your ashes and butts, toss them in the jar, and close the lid tight.
The water and ashes will turn color and give off fumes.
When you have a nicotine craving, remove the lid and inhale fumes from the jar.
Yes, the odor may knock you over, and it will definitely reduce the cravings. Take a good look at what's happening inside the jar. That is also happening inside your lungs.
For more help in becoming smoke-free, contact me. You can also look online for help. And look forward to the day you can throw that jar away.
There are four parts to The Jerome Group LLC. I encourage you to go to the Web site and explore them.
Hypnosis: Certified 18 years ago.
Photojournalism: Published for 55 years.
Public speaking: Toastmaster for 25 years.
Free-lance copy editing: 48 years experience.
I am now retired, and enjoy working in all parts of the LLC. What can I do for you today?

Victoria Gallagher of offers a FREE step-by-step course in self-hypnosis. I highly recommend it. Self-hypnosis is a valuable skill. Enroll here.
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