
Enjoy a reading from one of 13 established psychics. Talk to Jerome and other holistic vendors 1-on-1 at Melinda Carver's Psychic Fair from 11 am-5 pm Sunday, March 6, at the Yorktown Lanes Party Center, 6218 Pearl Road, Parma Heights.
Enter a drawing for a free or discounted hypnosis session. Experience "waking hypnosis." Take a free focus test. Enjoy a low-cost mini-session, and leave stress-free.

"I can't be
I rarely believe this statement. Just because one time, one person could not hypnotize you, does not mean that is true for the rest of your life. There are so many variables that must be in place for hypnosis to work, and work well. I have often worked with people who have told me that they cannot be hypnotized, and within a few minutes, they are in trance. As long as they are open to the experience, it usually works, and it feels GREAT.

March 20:
Linda Thunberg, a Master Transpersonal Hypnotherapist, leads a group experience in Past Life Regression on Sunday, March 20. The event is from 1:30-3:30 pm at Harmonic Journeys, 1292 Summit Ave., Lakewood. Fee $25. Call 855-772-0459. Details.

Because of your support, I enjoyed a great month in March. I thank all who visited me at the Feb. 12 holistic fair at the LGBT Center, and I thank those who listened Feb. 17, when Dr. Gwen Jarvis and I talked about hypnosis on WERE 1490 AM. I welcome any opportunity to talk to people about what I do.
To listen to the radio show,
click here.
Myth of the Month:
Criminal or Anti-Social Acts
Myth: Anti-social or criminal acts can be induced by hypnosis.
Fact: You cannot be induced to commit anti-social or criminal acts. You will not do anything you would not do in the normal waking state.

Self-Hypnosis is Valuable
Victoria Gallagher of hyptalk.com, offers a FREE step-by-step course in self-hypnosis. I recommend it. Self-hypnosis is a valuable skill. Enroll here.

Discount Word-of-the-Month
This month's discount word is GREEN, for St. Patrick's Day. Mention GREEN when you make an appointment in March, and receive a $10 discount. So mention GREEN to save some green.
Hold these dates!
April 2: 10 am-6 pm, Holistic Fair, West Shore Unitarian Universalist Church, 20401 Hilliard Blvd., Rocky River.
May 5: North Coast Business Expo, Ahern Banquet Center, 726 Avon-Belden Road, (Rt. 83), Avon Lake.

Where is our office?
I see clients at West Park Massotherapy, 4168 Rocky River Dr. (State Rt. 237) in Cleveland's West Park neighborhood. We are just north of Hopkins International Airport, and one-half mile south of Kamm's Corners. It's an easy drive from I-90, I-71 or I-480. RTA's #86 bus stops here.