Jerry Masek accepted my invitation to teach a class at the 2006 Baden-Powell Institute, a day-long continuing education program for Boy Scout adult leaders. His assigned topic was Cub Scout Marketing 101: Pack Promotion Opportunities.
In all respects, Jerry did a top-notch job and was received very well by class participants. Prior to the event, he provided me with an outline of his proposed points, he double-checked and triple-checked the facts about date, time and location of the event, and he made handouts for the volunteer leaders.
During his presentation, the breadth and depth of his experience was immediately evident. Jerry did a stellar job translating his media relations success on a professional level into something Cub Scout leaders could do within their own units.
The Greater Cleveland Council of the Boy Scouts is grateful to Jerry for volunteering his time to prepare and present this class to a group of our leaders.
Joe Wollett, PMP
Vice President for Cub Scouts,
Greater Cleveland Council
Boy Scouts of America