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Gift Bundles

December: Help celebrate
my birthday

    I will celebrate my birthday in December, with an annual gift to the community. To help those who have financial issues, I offer five

1-on-1 stress reduction sessions during the month. For each session, pay what you can afford, at least $20 to cover facility rental. All sessions are at West Park Massotherapy.
    To RSVP, send e-mail from the contact page. Mention your most convenient time(s), and you will receive an e-mail to confirm.

Don't miss these other great events!

Dec. 5
Curious about regression work?


Fear of not being revived

    Myth: Once you are hypnotized, there is a chance you will never come out of it.

     Fact: You actually induce the trance yourself, so you can readily revive yourself when necessary.

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What happens in a session?


Dec. 20-22
Laugh with Mike Oddo

                   You can have fun watching                                 hypnosis. Comedy hypnotist Mike                     Oddo performs Dec. 20-22 at The Funny Stop in Cuyahoga Falls. Check him out.


Nov. 20: a great event in Westlake

    I enjoyed meeting so many people Nov. 20 at a holistic fair in Westlake. More events are planned for 2022. I will keep you informed here. Linda Gandee of Sun Newspapers covered the event. Read her story.
    About 50 people stopped at my vendor table to talk about trances, take a focus test, or experience waking hypnosis. Some 20 people entered a drawing to win a free hypnosis session, or a discounted rate on their first session.
    I also offered a free small-group session.Several people took advantage of the opportunity to experience hypnosis.
    The event was produced by Harmonic Journeys.

    Some clients have asked about regression work. A new-to-the-area hypnotist, Linda Thunberg, offers a 1-hour small-group presentation in Lakewood, Sunday, Dec. 5. Read more.

Tangerine Arches
Woman Typing


  • "Your session was very thorough with me. I have been falling asleep earlier and sleeping better. Now, when something happens at home to set me off, I do not react as intensely as before."

  • "I did not think I could ever relax that much again."

  • "Thank you for yesterday's session, I felt so good and relaxed after! And thanks for the text messages you send. They certainly help to reiterate and cement everything we discussed yesterday. :-) "

  • "I had to speak to several people who I don’t normally talk to about a job I’m not 100 percent familiar with - it went well!" This client formerly had social anxiety at a new job.


To learn more about hypnosis...

    We've added a new page to our Web site that explains how to prepare for a session and what to expect. We hope you find it useful.

Jan. 22
Mark this date for holistic fun

    Talk to Jerome and other vendors 1-on-1 at the Color Your World Rainbow holistic fair from 10 am-4 pm Saturday, Jan. 22, 2022, at the LGBT Center, 6705 Detroit Ave., Cleveland. Enter a drawing for a free hypnosis session. Receive a low-cost mini-session on hypnosis at my table. Stop by and leave stress-free.

1.    Sign up for an informative e-newsletter.
2.   Visit our Web site.
3.   On Facebook, LIKE our page at:
      Hypnosis Time for Change.
4.   Schedule a $20 consultation in my office          at West Park Massotherapy, 4168 Rocky          River Dr., or via Zoom.
5.   Call me, 216-210-5504.


HOURS: Whether you want a session in-person or via Zoom, our hours are the same.

Monday-Saturday, 10 am-noon, 1-5 pm and 7-9 pm.


Give the Gift of Wellness
this Year

    If your ideal holiday gift is still waiting off-shore in Los Angeles, here is an idea.
   Give a gift of wellness. Gift certificates from my hypnosis business and West Park Massotherapy -- my landlord -- are easy-to-buy and easy-to-mail. One size fits all, and they are available in any amount. The lucky person can use it whenever they want. Everybody wins. Because of COVID, please call before you stop in, 216-671-6080. Some of our services...

  • In-person hypnosis session, 90 minutes

  • Zoom hypnosis session, 60 minutes

  • Deep Tissue Massage, 30, 60 and 90 minutes

  • European Hot Stone Massage, 60 and 90 minutes

  • Massage, 30, 60 and 90 minutes.

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© 2020 by The Jerome Group LLC
Proudly created with

Webmaster: Tracey (Masek) Boulware

Jerome E. Masek, Principal, The Jerome Group LLC

19560 Puritas Ave., #132, Cleveland, OH 44135-1084

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Skype name: Jerome Masek

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