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Focus on things you can control;
Forget about things you cannot control

Before I retired, I rode public transit daily for 30 years. I overhead many conversations where people complained about things they could not control.
The weather was either too hot, or too cold.
Why did it rain or snow so much?
Why is public transit always late?
Why did the Browns always lose?
Complaining only spreads negative emotions.
Let's focus on what we can control.
My goals, boundaries, thoughts and actions.
How I spend my energy.
How I talk to myself.
How I handle challenges.
Let's forget the things we cannot control.
The past and the future.
The actions and opinions of others, including what they think of me.
How others take care of themselves.
What happens around me.
Hypnosis can help you focus on things that matter -- things you can control. 2023 is almost half over. By focusing our minds on things we can control, we can make the last half of the year much better than the first half.
The warm weather has returned. Let's enjoy it!

June is for Dads, Grads and chillin'
Exploring NE Ohio this summer?
If you are looking for day trip options in NE Ohio, consider Ashtabula.
A new hotel is expected to open there soon, and the area boasts many opportunities for summer fun.
Local holistic vendors have found a place to congregate at The Light Emporium in the historic Ashtabula Harbor area, at 1489 Bridge St. Many events are planned, including a Beach Glass Festival June 24-25, with live music and vendors from around the nation. Check out details on their Facebook page.
For the rest of this year, the venue hosts a psychic fair from 11 am-6 pm, on the last Saturday each month. I plan to check it out soon.
Hypnosis gift certificates make great gifts.
Dads can enjoy downtime from daily work pressures.
Grads can use a hypnosis session to envision their future and where they would like to be next week, next month and next year.
Chillin' out is great any time. Even if you are on a beach, your mind is still working, and you can be improving yourself.
Interested? Contact me here.

How may I
help you?

We offer 1-on-1 hypnosis sessions via Zoom. Enjoy hypnosis from the comfort of your own home, and receive a recording to listen to the suggestions again and again.
Would a husband-wife like to share an in-person session? I can make a house call if the home is free of smoke, and stairs are not a barrier.
Would you like to host a hypnosis party in your home? It's great fun, and educational. I already have several parties booked for this summer.
This show is fascinating
In my opinion, this is MUST-SEE TV.
On May 20, NOVA aired a one-hour program on how the brain works, perception vs reality. It was fascinating TV, and both hypnotists and clients should appreciate it.
Watch the show here.

FOR SALE: 2 used anti-gravity chairs, the kind used for my in-person hypnosis sessions. $20 each, or best offer. 216-210-5504.
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